Only 6️⃣ months of Foundation to directly enter an Australian university‼️‼️ ✅✅ Science Stream ✅✅ Arts Stream students and parents, don’t miss this education seminar hosted by ANIBT, Deakin College & University!
If you meet any of the following criteria, you can join this seminar: ❤️ After SPM or IGCSE, you can complete a 6-month Foundation and finish university in three years. 💙 How to apply for Australian skilled migration and work visas after graduating from university. 💛 You only need RM 180,000 to graduate with an Australian Bachelor’s Degree. 💚 Studying in Australia is much easier than in Malaysia, why study for so long in Malaysia! 💜 How to apply for scholarships? Hurry! We’ll teach you the tips!
Although the two physical further education seminars have passed, you can still attend our Zoom further education seminars. Submit the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible! Seats are limited, so register now!